Gephardt Releases Personal, Trade-Focused Ad in Iowa
"After" highlights Clayton family’s struggle in Central Iowa
Des Moines, IA - Dick Gephardt today released a new television advertisement highlighting the personally devastating impact unfair trade treaties have had on families in Iowa and the entire country.
Gephardt For President (30 seconds)
Olin Clayton: "After NAFTA, I lost two good jobs, they closed the plants and the jobs went to Mexico."
Barb Clayton: "We’ve had to move three times, uproot our family and now we’re worried we’ll have to do it again."
Announcer: "Democratic Leader Dick Gephardt led the fight against NAFTA. As President, Dick Gephardt will fight for American jobs. He knows when the rules are fair, American workers win."
Dick Gephardt: "I’m Dick Gephardt and I approved this message because I want to stop George Bush and fight for America’s Middle Class."