John Kerry Launches New Television Ad in New Hampshire
Stands Up to Drug Companies and Insurance Industries
November 20, 2003 Washington, DC –
John Kerry hit the airwaves today with a new television ad in New Hampshire. The 30-second ad highlights John Kerry's record of standing up to George W. Bush and his drug company friends and doing what’s right for America’s families.
John Kerry is fighting to provide Americans with quality affordable healthcare, the very same coverage that the President and Members of Congress give themselves. He is fighting to lower prescription drug prices by passing along to consumers the rebates giant drug wholesalers get from the drug manufacturers; getting more affordable generic drugs to the market, giving states the flexibility to negotiate better deals, and allowing people to buy quality drugs from Canada.
Kerry Senior Advisor Stephanie Cutter said, “Instead of George Bush’s raw deal, John Kerry is offering a real deal that stands up to the powerful interests. Through this new ad, New Hampshire voters will know that John Kerry is ready to take on the HMOs and drug companies and fight for affordable health care for all Americans.”
Text of Ad:
John Kerry: George Bush believes that what’s good for the drug companies and insurance industries is good for America, and he's wrong!
Announcer: John Kerry. He has the courage to take on the drug companies to lower prescription prices for everyone. He’s taking on the insurance industry to lower your costs and get all Americans covered. And his plan gives everyone access to the same health coverage as Members of Congress.
John Kerry: I'm John Kerry and I approved this message because your family’s healthcare is just as important as any politician’s in Washington.