Edwards Airs New Ad in Iowa
"Together, You and I are Going to Change America"
DES MOINES, IA: The Edwards for President Iowa campaign announced today that that it is airing a new 30-second television ad in markets across Iowa titled "Believe." The ad highlights Senator John Edwards' (D-NC) uplifting vision to make America work for all of us, and his commitment to running a positive, optimistic campaign.
"I believe in the politics of what's possible, and for me that's what this election is about," Edwards says in the ad. "See, I think that this is about something much bigger than these petty snipings that are going on. It's about a new, positive, uplifting vision for America - that's what we are about as Democrats. It's what we should always be about.
"We're the party that believes in bringing people together, not tearing them apart. Together, you and I are going to change America, because you believe in the same thing."
"Believe" was filmed at a town hall meeting in Waterloo, IA and begins airing today throughout the state. A RealPlayer version of the ad is available at the following link: johnedwards2004.com