Kerry Campaign Announces Significant New Ad Buy Introducing John Kerry’s Lifetime of Service and Strength
Washington, DC –The John Kerry for President campaign announced a critical component of its election strategy today, unveiling two new biographical television ads introducing John Kerry’s lifetime of service and strength to the American people. The 60-second ads are backed by a significant, 19-state ad buy and mark another step forward in the campaign’s rollout of John Kerry’s vision for building a stronger America.
“These ads communicate to the American people who John Kerry is and what he stands for,” said Kerry Campaign Manger Mary Beth Cahill. “As a soldier, prosecutor, Lt. Governor and United States Senator, John Kerry’s life story has been defined by service and strong leadership, and these are the same qualities that will define his service in the White House. John Kerry will be a President who builds a stronger America by fighting to put our economy back on track, creating new and better jobs, expanding access to affordable health care and improving our nation’s schools.”
Today’s new ads – “Heart” and “Lifetime” – feature the people who know John Kerry the best talking about the service and strength Kerry has displayed throughout a life that has included: earning the Silver Star, the Bronze Star and Three Purple Hearts; making decisions that saved his crewmates lives in Vietnam; fighting for victims’ rights as a prosecutor; and serving America in the Senate as a strong voice for issues that make a difference in the lives of every day Americans.
In “Heart,” Kerry Vietnam crewmate Del Sandusky and fellow-soldier Jim Rassmann, as well as Kerry’s daughter Vanessa and wife Teresa, talk about Kerry’s service to his country and record as someone who fights for what matters. “Lifetime” tells Kerry’s life story, from his birth in a Colorado Army Hospital to his service in Vietnam to his career in the Senate taking on tough fights for the American people, like the fight for children’s healthcare, the search for truth about POWs and MIAs in Vietnam and his break from his Party to support a balanced budget.
Both ads will be seen by voters in the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
“Heart” and “Lifetime” can be viewed online at Scripts and back-up can be found below.
Title: “Heart”
Date: 5/4/04
Type: 60 sec. TV
Paid for By: John Kerry for President
John Kerry: I was born in Fitzsimons Army Hospital in Colorado. My dad was serving in the Army Air Corp. Both of my parents taught me about public service. I enlisted because I believed in service to country. I thought it was important if you had a lot of privileges as I had had, to go to a great university like Yale, to give something back to your country.
Del Sandusky: The decisions that he made saved our lives.
Jim Rassmann: When he pulled me out of the river, he risked his life to save mine.
Narrator: For more than 30 years, John Kerry has served America.
Vanessa Kerry: If you look at my father’s time in service to this country, whether, it’s as a veteran, prosecutor, or Senator, he has shown an ability to fight for things that matter.
Teresa Heinz Kerry: John is the face of someone who’s hopeful, who’s generous of spirit and of heart.
John Kerry: We’re a country of optimists, we’re the can do people and we just need to believe in ourselves again.
Narrator: A lifetime of service and strength. John Kerry for President.
John Kerry: I’m John Kerry and I approve this message.
Title: “Lifetime”
Date: 5/4/04
Type: 60 sec. TV
Paid for By: John Kerry for President
Narrator: He was born in an Army Hospital in Colorado. His father was an Army Air Corps Pilot. His mother… a community leader. He went to college at Yale-- and volunteered to serve in Vietnam.
Sandusky: The decisions that he made saved our lives.
Rassmann: When he pulled me out of the river, he risked his life to save mine.
Narrator: In combat, he earned the Silver Star, the Bronze Star, and three Purple Hearts. Then he came home, determined to end that war. For more than 30 years, John Kerry has served America. As a tough prosecutor, he fought for victims' rights. In the Senate, he was a leader in the fight for healthcare for children. He joined with John McCain to find the truth about POWs and MIAs in Vietnam. He broke with his own party to support a balanced budget……then in the 1990’s cast a decisive vote that created 20 million new jobs. A lifetime of service and strength. John Kerry for President
Disclaimer: "I'm John Kerry and I approved this message."