New Kerry Ad Honors America’s Troops
Washington, DC – The Kerry-Edwards campaign Wednesday announced the television ad “Heroes.” With the president sidestepping important questions about missing explosives in Iraq and choosing instead to play politics, the thirty-second spot thanks America’s soldiers and families for their sacrifice and stresses John Kerry’s commitment to always support our troops. John Kerry believes that we can honor our troops at the same time as changing our direction in Iraq.
“Heroes” can be viewed online at:
Title: “Heroes”
Type: :30 TV
Date: 10/27/04
Paid for By: Kerry-Edwards 2004, Inc.
NARRATOR: “Our soldiers fighting in Iraq are heroes, their families have earned our thanks and our support. As we see the deepening crisis and chaos in Iraq, as we choose a new commander-in-chief and a fresh start, we will always support and honor those who serve. Strength. Courage. Patriotism.”
CHYRON: “Thank you.”
JOHN KERRY: “I'm John Kerry and I approve this message.”