Mark Warner launched the new Forward Together PAC Web Site with this blog entry.
"Hi, thanks for stopping by the Forward Together website. While you?re here, I hope you?ll check out some of the information about what we?ve been working on in Virginia over the last four years. As well as some of our ideas of where the country needs to head in the coming months and years.
We?ve just finished a hard campaign with a terrific victory. The win was an affirmation of what we?ve been doing in Virginia over the past four years, with Governor-elect Tim Kaine a partner by my side in that effort. The win was a rejection of the relentless negative campaigning by the other side. What struck me was that 98% of the job of being Governor dealt with things the opposition was not talking about?things like balancing the budget, keeping education fully funded, and grappling with transportation issues. I think Virginians saw that too. The message that won was positive and forward looking, focused on results and solutions.
I?ve still got two months of being Governor in Virginia, and have a few new initiatives and a budget to produce. After I finish this job, I want to be one of the voices that debate where the Democratic Party is headed. I plan on blogging more often too. Again, thanks for checking out Forward Together."