For Immediate Release
January 23, 2007
Congressman Duncan Hunter, serving the 52nd District of California, will be the first Republican candidate in South Carolina history to announce his official entry into the presidential race.
Hunter will announce his bid for the White House Thursday, January 25 at the Marriott Renaissance Park in Spartanburg South Carolina.
"I will speak about a new American sunrise of opportunity, faith and freedom for the citizens of our great nation," said Hunter.
Hunter, considered by many to be the most conservative Republican in the Presidential race, cites his chairmanship of the House Armed Services Committee and 26-years on that committee as credentials for his candidacy.
Hunter, who has chaired the House Armed Services Committee for the past four years, has devoted himself to ensuring that our military is second to none. He has worked hard to secure the border with Mexico. Securing our nation's borders, protecting American workers from unfair competition and reversing one-way-street trade are issues that he has addressed. "America's greatest strength is our freedom and its protection". Said Hunter
Hunter feels America needs a way ahead in the ongoing war against terrorists and a policy of economic opportunity, with a reaffirmation of faith in the principles of our founding fathers. "I announce my candidacy with the support of my family fueled my confidence in our nation's potential for greatness," said Hunter.
The Hunter for President Website will be