For Immediate Release
January 12, 2007
Congressman Duncan Hunter (R-CA) formed an exploratory committee today as a step toward announcing his bid for the Presidency.
“Our citizens deserve a new American sunrise of opportunity, faith and freedom,” said Hunter.
Hunter, who has chaired the House Armed Services Committee for the past four years until the Democrat takeover, has focused on national defense, securing the border with Mexico and reversing what he calls the “one-way-street” trade with China.
“America needs a way ahead in the ongoing war against terrorists and a policy of economic opportunity, with a reaffirmation of faith in the principles of our founding. I take this step with the support of my family and confidence in our nation’s potential for greatness,” said Hunter.
The website for the committee will be
Hunter will formally declare his candidacy later this month in South Carolina.
This filing of the exploratory committee allows supporters to contribute money to the exploratory account which will then be turned over to the official account.