Gilmore Makes it Official: Former Virginia Governor Files a Presidential Exploratory Committee
Alexandria, Virginia --- Former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore made it official today by filing the necessary paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to form an exploratory committee to explore a potential candidacy for President of the United States.
"Today, I filed the papers necessary to explore a candidacy for President because I believe that this nation needs conservative leadership. Alone among those considering a candidacy for the Republican nomination, I have a record of real leadership as a tax cutter and job creator, as a leader on national security issues, and as a national leader in our party. I intend to move quickly to form a national campaign team and to make my decision on moving to a formal candidacy," Gilmore said.
Governor Gilmore will soon announce his committee’s leadership structure, which will include several prominent Republicans with experience in presidential campaigns.
The committee's website will be located at