The new Duncan Hunter for President website went live late tonight with this statement.
Peace through strength is my belief and conviction
“Peace Through Strength” are three words that, when uttered with conviction by a man of principle and great leadership, and backed up by decisive action, had the power to free hundreds of millions of people from the oppression of communism and saved this country from the specter of “mutually assured destruction.”
It was in a speech entitled, “A Time for Choosing”, that Ronald Reagan ignited the conservative movement in America and began the death knell of communism. “Peace Through Strength” became our charge. I firmly believe that it will take continued, unwavering dedication to that same calling to achieve victory against the evil terrorist threat we now confront.
I firmly believe that it will take continued, unwavering dedication to that same calling to achieve victory against the evil terrorist threat we now confront.
I was swept into office by that Reagan revolution, arriving in Congress the same year Reagan arrived in Washington. He ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity by cutting taxes, limiting government and wining the Cold War. It is a time for choosing again.
Do we as a people choose appeasement in the name of tolerance and political correctness?
If so, then we are saying to the world that what we are really willing to tolerate is evil in the World. Or, instead, do we stand firm in our resolve that this nation shall remain a beacon of freedom to people of goodwill everywhere?
Do we as a people choose dependence on a bigger, and ever-more-intrusive government?
Or do we choose self-reliance, recognizing that we know better than government how to spend our money, raise our children, provide for our families. I hope you agree with me that we Americans have the self-reliance and the character to remain free.
Join me in a new American sunrise of opportunity, faith and freedom for the citizens of our great nation.
Yours for America,
Duncan Hunter