Statement from IDP Chair Scott Brennan on the Announcement on Former Governor Vilsack Dropping Out of Presidential Race
DES MOINES – Iowa Democratic Party Chair Scott Brennan issued the following statement in response to former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack dropping out of the presidential race:
“I want to commend former Governor Vilsack for entering the presidential race. He showed to the country what this state has known all along that he is a great leader and a role model for all Americans. He demonstrated on the national stage the values that all Iowans are proud of. We thank him for his service to our state as State Senator and Governor, and we will continue to seek his counsel as an Iowa and national leader.”
Statement of Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) On Former Iowa Governor Tom Vilsack
“Today, I learned with great disappointment that my friend Tom Vilsack has decided to end his candidacy for President of the United States. There’s no question in my mind that Tom is a great leader, something he’s proven as Iowa’s two-term governor and as a successful state legislator and mayor.
“The highest accolade I can give, though, is simply that Tom is a good and decent person. He is a model husband and father, and a loyal friend. And he has a genuine passion for fairness and social justice. It’s a message I’ve heard again and again from voters across the country.
“With Tom’s strength and character, he would have made an exceptional President. That’s why when I spoke with him today, I urged him to continue his leadership for Iowa and the nation. This is certainly not the last we’ve seen of Tom Vilsack.”
WASHINGTON D.C. — “I consider Governor Tom Vilsack a good friend and a great public servant. It’s a loss for Iowa and the country that he is no longer in the race for president. However, I am certain he will continue to provide a strong voice for issues like energy security and offer bold ideas on how to bring an end to the war in Iraq. Tom provided outstanding leadership in this state as Governor and offered a clear vision for the direction of our country as a presidential candidate. He ran a positive, issues-based campaign, and he should be commended for his efforts. Mari and I wish Tom and Christie all the best in their future endeavors.”