Duncan Hunter Gains Delegate At The Wyoming Convention
Mitt Romney Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson gained the first delegates for the race to the White House. Three days before the New Hampshire primary, Republican hopefuls Romney, Hunter, Fred Thompson all won delegates in the state of Wyoming.
Now, in the ABC and Fox debates that have silenced Duncan Hunter, will host three of Hunter’s opponents that have not scored delegates in any state.
New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen released the following statement regarding primary weekend debates: “Limiting the number of candidates who are invited to participate in debates is not consistent with the tradition of the first-in-the-nation primary. The level playing field requires that all candidates be given an equal opportunity to participate – not just a select few determined by the media prior to any votes being cast.”
Well said Chairman Cullen - - another notable statement was made by Fox News chairman Roger Ailes who said "Bias has to do with the elimination of points of view, not presenting a point of view.” I might be interesting to hear what Mr. Ailes has to say about what Fox and ABC is doing now. Is this fair and balanced, I do not think so. One has to wonder if the race for President has come to who has the most money and who the media decides will be heard.
After unsuccessful attempts to convince Fox and ABC to include Congressman Hunter and Congressman Paul, Cullen announced today that the New Hampshire GOP would no longer support a Republican candidate’s forum scheduled for Sunday on FOX.