Kucinich Intensifies Efforts in New Hampshire
MANCHESTER, NH - The only Democratic presidential contender actively campaigning in the state of New Hampshire, Congressman Dennis Kucinich continues his big push here in the Granite State with efforts across the airwaves and in the field aimed at reaching out to Democratic and independent voters.
Kucinich's first two radio ads, titled "A Real Democrat" and "Vote for Your Health," are being broadcast today in over a dozen stations across the state and throughout the region.
Two corresponding television spots also are set to go up tomorrow, on network and cable. In the ads, Congressman Kucinich looks directly at the camera and challenges the other Democratic candidates on issues of major importance to all Americans, notably healthcare and foreign policy.
This significant media buy comes at a time when a lot of voters are still making up their minds about which candidate to support as Primary Day nears.
The campaign also sent over 200,000 messages via phone to Democratic and independent voters in New Hampshire yesterday.
"It is important for voters to know what I stand for, and that my vision and ideas for the future of our great country includes all Americans," said Kucinich.
Congressman Kucinich will be in New Hampshire through the rest of the week, giving him a few days' head start before the other candidates arrive from Iowa. His field operation has been ramped up as well: over 300 canvassers are hitting the streets of several New Hampshire burgs this week, including Manchester, Dover, Keene, and Concord.
"We have an opportunity here in New Hampshire in this last week to create genuine excitement among voters looking for a Real Democrat," said Kucinich. "People are finding that I am tough and independent-minded, and that I can't be bought or bossed."