Joint Statement from DNC Chairman Howard Dean, Senator Carl Levin, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, Michigan DNC member Debbie Dingell and UAW President Ron Gettelfinger
Washington, DC - After a conference call among Democratic National Committee Chairman Howard Dean, Michigan Senator Carl Levin, Congresswoman Carolyn Cheeks Kilpatrick, DNC member Debbie Dingell and UAW President Ron Gettelfinger, the participants issued this joint statement:
"We are united in our commitment to doing everything we can to ensure that a Michigan delegation is seated in Denver this summer. We also know that any solution needs to be acceptable to both Democratic presidential campaigns. While there may be differences of opinion in how we get there, we will continue to work together to ensure that a Michigan delegation is seated and that the logistics are in place for a Michigan delegation in Denver. We have every expectation that we will succeed in that endeavor, and then go on to win in November."