Howard Dean to Get Out the Vote for Obama and Franken in Minnesota
Democratic National Committee chair will hold rallies in St. Cloud, Minneapolis
ST. PAUL – With just three days before Election Day, and Get Out The Vote efforts in full swing, DNC Chair Howard Dean will make stops in St. Cloud and Minneapolis to rally supporters to Get Out The Vote on November 4th.
Governor Dean will campaign for Barack Obama, Al Franken, Elwyn Tinklenberg and other DFL candidates. He’ll appear alongside Tinklenberg, state Senate Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark, Thomasin Frankin, Mayor RT Rybak, and Rep. Keith Ellison.
“Minnesotans are responding to Senator Obama’s steady leadership in this time of economic crisis and it’s now time to make sure we get out the vote,” Obama’s Minnesota state director Jeff Blodgett said. “It will take an unprecedented effort by regular Minnesotans volunteering in their communities to bring the change we need. Governor Dean will help make that case and urge Minnesotans sign up to help us get out the vote on November 4th.”
Saturday, November 1:
ST CLOUD: Get Out The Vote Rally for Change with Gov. Howard Dean
Campaign For Change Office
904 West St. Germain Street
St. Cloud, MN
FEATURING: El Tinklenberg, Minnesota Senator Assistant Majority Leader Tarryl Clark and Thomasin Frankin
MINNEAPOLIS: Get Out The Vote Concert for Change With Howard Dean, Martin Zellar, White Light Riot, and the Radiators
Trocaderos Nightclub & Restaurant
107 3rd Avenue North
Minneapolis, MN
FEATURING: Mayor RT Rybak, Thomasin Frankin, and Rep. Keith Ellison