An e-mail was sent to supporters on September 14, 2005 announcing the redesign of the VOLPAC web site.
"Just a quick note to let you know that we recently completed a full redesign of my leadership committee website
In the coming weeks and months, many issues of great consequence will come before the Senate:
Judge Roberts' confirmation hearings for Chief Justice;
Confirmation hearings for Justice Sandra Day O'Connor's replacement;
Joint Committee review of the response to Hurricane Katrina;
Legislation to improve the security of our borders.
The list goes on.
In an effort to ensure that you have access to the very latest information on these vital issues -- and many more -- we felt it necessary to improve our website.
I encourage you to visit it.
I also hope you will use it as a resource to help advance President Bush's Agenda, confirm his judicial nominees, and elect principled Republican leaders nationwide.
In addition, the site will better enable you to keep up with the political news of the day.
I suggest you begin by taking the "guided" tour of our website and when you finish, complete our website scorecard (information we need from you to improve our website).
We are going to need your help to make this website a success, so please visit today.
I look forward to your feedback." Bill Frist, M.D.
Upon arriving at the web site, the user was greeted with this welcome message:
"Welcome to, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist?s leadership committee website.
We built this website as a resource to help you support President Bush?s Second Term Agenda, his judicial nominees and Republican Senate candidates.
We are committed to making this the best website that we can. Your support and involvement is critical.
We encourage you to visit the five parts of the website we have highlighted below and when you are done looking at the website, return to this page and complete the VOLPAC WEBSITE SCORECARD.
To begin our tour of, we would like you to visit:
The Meet the Chairman section of our website, and read the letter Dr. Thomas Frist, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist?s father, wrote for his children and grandchildren.
A biography is one way to learn about someone, but we asked Senator Frist?s wife Karyn and his three sons Harrison, Jonathan and Bryan to tell us 12 Things About Senator Frist you wouldn?t read or hear anywhere else.
How did a heart transplant surgeon end up running for the Senate?
Senator Frist likes to email his supporters directly. Many of the articles on this website are from his emails.
The Legislative Priorities Project is an online and direct mail effort to collect the opinions of over 1,000,000 Americans on the important issues of the day. Each week we will update our survey, with a set of new questions on a different issue.
Thank you for visiting our website. We plan on adding new, exciting, interactive features very soon.
Tell your friends, family and co-workers about this website and come back and see us sometime"