This introductory message in appeared on the new Dennis Kucinch for President 2008 website in both text and video formats.
Hi, everyone. Dennis here.
The response to our campaign has been very encouraging. People from all over the country want to know what they can do to get involved; and this website is going to be an essential organizing tool. And we're asking you to participate. So, it's important for you to be around; kind of hang around the site, check on it every day, see the kinds of things that we're doing, check on the media [News] section and see how the media is finally getting engaged in following our campaign.
It's really interesting to see people respond because, in the past, we organized the campaign and then I made an announcement. This time I made the announcement, and the campaign is beginning to gather around us quite quickly. So stay tuned! But more than that, stay involved, help us plan, help us organize, help us raise funds, help us set the stage for a new direction for America.
People know that my position on the war is the position that is going to bring our troops home. People know that when I say that we have the money to bring the troops home now, that I'm right. And people know that the Democrats ought to rally behind the will of the American people expressed in November to bring our troops home. It's just not right for leaders to be talking about giving the president another $160 billion that will keep our troops in Iraq until the end of the president's term.
So we have the power to create a new direction. And we're going to do it with your help. And I'm so grateful for that. I look forward to hearing from you. This is your campaign; it's not about me, it's about all of us. It's about our endeavor to create a world of peace and to create a world that we can relate to people all over the world. We know that this is the time for us to open up our hearts and to reveal the power that is within each of us to create a new world.
Thank you very much, and you'll be hearing from me often.