Obama-Biden Campaign Launches New Two Minute TV Ad on Obama's Plan To Lift Our Economy And Restore America's Place In The World
CHICAGO, IL - Today, the Obama-Biden campaign released a new two minute TV ad, "Defining Moment", which highlights that the question is not "are you better off than you were four years ago?" We know the answer to that. The real question is will our country be better off four years from now? The ad includes Senator Obama telling America how we will lift our economy and restore America's place in the world.
The Ad-"Defining Moment"
"Defining Moment" will air across the country in key states beginning tomorrow.
See below for the transcript:
Obama DTC
Super: Barack Obama
BARACK SYNC: At this defining moment in our history, the question is not, "are you better off than you were four years ago?" We all know the answer to that. The real question is will our country be better off four years from now? How will we lift our economy and restore America's place in the world?
Here's what I'll do as President. To deal with our current emergency…
Super: The Obama Plan
A rescue plan for the middle class
BARACK SYNCH: I'll launch a rescue plan for the middle class…
Super: The Obama Plan Tax cut for 95% of working Americans
BARACK SYNC: That begins with a tax cut for ninety-five percent of working Americans.
Super: The Obama Plan Families making less than $200,000 get tax cut
If you have a job, pay taxes and make less than two hundred thousand dollars-a-year, you'll get a tax cut.
Super: The Obama Plan End tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas
I'll end the tax breaks for companies that ship our jobs overseas, and give them to companies that create jobs here in America.
Super: The Obama Plan Low-cost loans for small businesses
And I'll make low-cost loans available to small businesses.
Super: The Obama Plan Reduce the cost of health care
Super: The Obama Plan Break dependence on foreign oil
Super: The Obama Plan Education to help children compete
To build our economy for the future, I'll focus on our urgent national priorities: reducing the cost of health care... breaking our dependence on foreign oil... and making sure that every child gets the education they need to compete.
Super: The Obama Plan Stop spending $10 billion a month in Iraq
Super: End the war in Iraq responsibly
How will I pay for these priorities? First, we've got to stop spending ten billion dollars a month in Iraq – while they run up a surplus. I'll end this war responsibly, so we can invest here at home.
Super: The Obama Plan Protect taxpayers, not CEOs
We'll monitor the Wall Street rescue plan carefully, making sure taxpayers are protected and CEOs don't game the system.
Super: The Obama Plan Close corporate tax loopholes
I'll let the temporary Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2% expire and close the corporate tax loopholes the lobbyists put in.
The Obama Plan
Audit government spending
Super: The Obama Plan Eliminate programs that don't work
I'll order a top-to-bottom audit of government spending and eliminate programs that don't work.
We face real challenges, and they won't be easy to solve. But we can do it if we end the mindless partisanship...the divisiveness, curb special interest power and restore our sense of common purpose.
Barack Obama
Approved by Barack Obama Paid for by Obama for America
BARACK SYNC: I'm Barack Obama. I approve this message and ask for your vote because if we stand together, we can meet our challenges and ensure that there are better days ahead.