What They’re Saying … About Mayor Giuliani
ABC's Rick Klein said Mayor Giuliani’s Question on the Catastrophic Fund was “good political positioning, and Rudy's best moment of the night.” (Rick Klein, “Live Blogging During GOP Debate,” ABC’s “Political Radar” Blog, https://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/01/live-blogging-5.html, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
NBC News’ Chuck Todd: “In case you're wondering, the lead for the Florida papers tomorrow will be this Giuliani question on the castrophic insurance proposal to save Florida on this front.” (Chuck Todd, NBC News’ First Read Blog, “The Florida Debate Lead,” firstread.msnbc.msn.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Todd said Giuliani “certainly made an attempt to appeal directly to Floridians. He did a good job showing them he's learned their issues …” (Chuck Todd, NBC News’ First Read Blog, “Who Won? Who Lost? Debate Takeaway,” firstread.msnbc.msn.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Todd: “Giuliani goes back to an old stand by and it seemed effective; he attacked Clinton on being on both sides of the Iraq issue; Attacking Clinton probably scored well with the GOP dial-testers.” (Chuck Todd, NBC News’ First Read Blog, “Giuliani Uses Clinton Barb To Defend Iraq,” firstread.msnbc.msn.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
NBC News’ Domenico Montanaro: “Rudy asked about catastrophic insurance in a way that made him sound like he is a native Floridian or that his own house might be in danger.” (Domenico Montanaro, NBC News’ First Read Blog, “Rudy’s Question,” https://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/archive/2008/01/24/606992.aspx, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Politico’s Jonathan Martin: Rudy got “best of economic question.” (Jonathan Martin, Politico Blog, “McCain, Rudy get best of economic question,” www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
NRO’s Rich Lowry: “Good Rudy answer on the drags on the economy.” (Rich Lowry, National Review Online’s The Corner Blog, “We're Doing All Four Of Those Things,” corner.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
NRO’s Michael Graham: “Rudy has a real plan” for the economy. (Michael Graham, National Review Online’s The Corner Blog, “Why was this debate so bad?,” corner.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Graham: “The war question revealed the key difference … Guiliani is always looking for the chance to fight Democrats.” (Michael Graham, National Review Online’s The Corner Blog, “The War Question Revealed The Key Difference Between Mccain And Giuliani,” corner.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
NRO’s Jim Geraghty: Russert asked “Will you say the war was a good idea, it was worth the price in blood and treasure, and will we leave? … The right answer: ‘If it was such a bad idea, why did you vote for the war?’ Hey, as I type that, Giuliani gives more or less that answer. Bravo, Mr. Mayor.” (Jim Geraghty, National Review Online, “The Debate Shifts To Iraq, Audience Wakes Up,” campaignspot.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
ABC News’ Rick Klein: “‘I'm for it not because of polls, but because America is in a war,’ Giuliani says, squeezing in a hit on Clinton. His best line of the night.” (Rick Klein, “Live Blogging During GOP Debate,” ABC’s “Political Radar” Blog, https://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/01/live-blogging-5.html, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
ABC News’ Jake Tapper: “Good moment for Rudy” discussing Iraq. (Rick Klein, ABC News’ Political Radar Blog, Live Blogging During GOP Debate,” https://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/01/live-blogging-5.html, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
ABC News’ Jake Tapper: “[C]ontrasting with Hillary Clinton, he says he was for the war when 6 out of 10 approved of it, and is still backing it even thought 6 out of 10 oppose it. Sounded strong.” (Rick Klein, ABC News’ Political Radar Blog, “Live Blogging During GOP Debate,” https://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalradar/2008/01/live-blogging-5.html, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
National Review’s Mark R. Levin: “Great answer by Rudy re Hillary Clinton and polls and war.” (Mark R. Levin, “War,” The National Review’s “The Corner” Blog, https://corner.nationalreview.com/post/?q=NzUzZDQ2YTQwYTNlMzFkMDBiZTMzNjU2ZjllYTI3ZWQ=, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
The American Spectator’s Philip Klein: “A strong answer by Rudy, challenging the question, and noting that Clinton's positition [sic] on Iraq changed with the winds, but that his did not.” (Philip Klein, “Rudy Won’t Be Pushed Around By Polls,” The American Spectator’s “AmSpecBlog,” https://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=10974, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
Klein: “Rudy Won’t Be Pushed Around By Polls …” (Philip Klein, “Rudy Won’t Be Pushed Around By Polls,” The American Spectator’s “AmSpecBlog,” https://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=10974, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
Klein: “Giuliani gave excellent answers …” (Philip Klein, “Quick Debate Reaction,” The American Spectator’s “AmSpecBlog,” https://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=10996, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
The Weekly Standard’s Stephen F. Hayes: Giuliani’s “answer on Tim Russert's question about whether the war in Iraq was worth it was the best of the group.” (Stephen F. Hayes, The Weekly Standard’s Campaign Standard Blog, “Hayes: The Nice Debate,” www.weeklystandard.com/weblogs/CampaignStandard, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Hayes: Giuliani’s “answer on The New York Times editorial was simply outstanding. He is smart to label himself a ‘conservative Republican.’” (Stephen F. Hayes, The Weekly Standard’s Campaign Standard Blog, “Hayes: The Nice Debate,” www.weeklystandard.com/weblogs/CampaignStandard, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Townhall.com’s Matt Lewis: “Rudy takes-down the NY Times. Well done.” (Matt Lewis, Townhall.com’s Blog, “GOP Debate ...,” https://www.townhall.com/blog/g/0d5b26b8-d73b-4d91-b421-377b72e55b15, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Lewis: “Rudy Giuliani is right; we need to start building nuclear plants ... yesterday.” (Matt Lewis, Townhall.com’s Blog, “GOP Debate ...,” https://www.townhall.com/blog/g/0d5b26b8-d73b-4d91-b421-377b72e55b15, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
The American Spectator’s Wlady: “Rudy's bona fides as a NY Yankee fan serves him well as he invokes the NY Giants' drive to the Super Bowl as evidence he can come back...” (Wlady, “Sports To The Rescue,” The American Spectator’s “AmSpecBlog,” https://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=10987, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
Politico’s Jonathan Martin said Giuliani “deftly defended himself” against The New York Times editorial, “noting that the liberal editorial page wouldn't support the policies of a ‘conservative Republican.’” (Jonathan Martin, Politico Blog, “McCain, Rudy get best of economic question,” www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
NRO’s Jonah Goldberg: “On what issues, exactly, was the New York Times editorial board right and Rudy Giuliani wrong when it came to New York City?” (Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online’s The Corner Blog, “Just Curious,” corner.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
Goldberg: “It's possible there were a couple items over 8 years on bond issues or some such where Rudy was wrong and the Times was right, but on a major issue during his mayoralty, I can't think of one.” (Jonah Goldberg, National Review Online’s The Corner Blog, “Just Curious,” corner.nationalreview.com, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)
The American Spectator’s John Tabin: “Rudy's asked about the Times slamming him in their McCain endorsement. Fighting with the New York Times editorial page obviously brings a smile to Giuliani's face.” (John Tabin, “Giuliani Vs. The NYT,” The American Spectator’s “AmSpecBlog,” https://www.spectator.org/blogger.asp?BlogID=10993, 1/24/08, Accessed 1/24/08)
Captain’s Quarters’ Ed Morrissey: “[Giuliani] did do a fine job … He looked very cool and confident and probably gave the most robust answers to the questions asked.” (Ed Morrissey, Captain’s Quarters Blog, “Florida Debate: Romney Scores, Rudy Close Behind,” https://www.captainsquartersblog.com/mt/archives/016749.php, 1/24/08, Accessed: 1/24/08)