Link: Bull Moose.
The challenge for Democrats is to be both partisans and conciliators. Sounds like an impossible task - not exactly because there is a precedent . Consider this passage from Bill Clinton's 1991 announcement speech, "Make no mistake - this election is about change: in our party, in our national leadership, and in our country. And we're not going to get positive change just by Bush-bashing. We have to do a better job of the old-fashioned work of confronting the real problems of real people and pointing the way to a better future. That is our challenge in 1992. Today, as we stand on the threshold of a new era, a new millennium, I believe we need a new kind of leadership, leadership committed to change. Leadership not mired in the politics of the past, not limited by old ideologies..." Dr. Moose suggests that Democrats need to reconnect with their inner Clinton.