Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour to headline premier Republican event:
Night of the Rising Stars to celebrate new Republican outreach efforts
Des Moines, IA – Matt Strawn, Chairman of the Republican Party of Iowa, today announced that Mississippi Governor Haley Barbour will be the featured guest for the Party’s premier event of the year, titled: “Night of the Rising Stars.” Governor Barbour will be surrounded by an exciting group of new, young Republicans who are taking the Capitol by storm.
Strawn said, “Governor Barbour is a rock star in the Republican Party. He led the national party to stunning victories in 1994 and then defeated an incumbent Democrat to become Mississippi’s Governor. Couple his winning vision with the renewed Republican spirit as embodied in our Iowa Republican rising stars and in the new leadership provided by Rep. Kraig Paulsen and Sen. Paul McKinley and you have the recipe for success in 2010.”
“Governor Barbour is providing his state with the type of competent, common-sense conservative government that Iowa so desperately needs," said Strawn, citing Gov. Barbour’s handling of post-Katrina disaster rebuilding and his efforts to encourage business development and job creation while exercising fiscal responsibility.
The event will be held at historic Hoyt Sherman Place. Event details include:
Thursday, June 25
5:30 cocktails, 7:00 program
Hoyt Sherman Place
Des Moines, IA
Strawn concluded, “There is no neighborhood or community off limits to the Republican Party or our relevant solutions to real life problems. Our principled conservative message of limited government, entrepreneurship, and strong families will find a home in the hearts and minds of Iowans and will carry us to victory in 2010.”