SRLC 2010 New Media Challenge
We’re pleased to announce the 2010 Southern Republican Leadership Conference
The New Media Challenge (NMC) is a competition between each of the 14 Southern States to see which state GOP has the most comprehensive and cutting edge new media strategy.
According to Charlie Davis, SRLC Director, “The goal of the competition is to tap into the competitive spirit at each state organization, to share best practices heading into the 2010 cycle and, of course, to have a little fun.”
A champion and runner-up will be chosen in each of the following categories – Website, Email Campaign, Facebook, Twitter, Viral Video and Independent Social Network.
An overall winner will also be selected.
Finalists in each category will be announced in March and the winners will be announced and congratulated at the conference. State party staff as well as consultants (if applicable) will be recognized for their accomplishments. The winners will be chosen by an independent panel of experts.
75% of each score will be based on the details below, 15% on the effectiveness of SRLC 2010 promotion and 10% will be left up to the judge’s discretion. The panel of judges will be announced over the next few weeks.
Best State Party Website:
Each state party’s website will be judged on both objective and subjective qualities. Areas of judgment include quality of design, ease of use, relevance, timeliness and interactivity.
Email Outreach Campaign:
States should ensure that srlc2010 email is subscribed to their lists and/or submit their top three campaigns prior to January 15th. The email campaigns will be judged on their overall effectiveness including design, graphics, call to action and formatting.
Half of the score for this category will come from the total number of fans/friends and half from the quality of your page/feed.
Half of the score for this category will come from the total number of followers and half from the quality of your feed.
Viral Video:
The videos will be judged on quality, effectiveness and reach. You can submit your top 3 and/or our judges will evaluate any that are emailed to us, linked from your website or in your YouTube account.
Independent Social Network:
Independent networks, like Ning or other custom community applications, will be judged on the number of members; the quality of posts, videos and pictures and the overall vibrancy of the community.