Friends and Family Host Rally for Gov. Buddy Roemer
Baton Rouge, La – Friends and family of Gov. Buddy Roemer will be hosting a rally for the Governor on Saturday, July 9. At the event, Gov. Roemer will address the crowd, laying out his vision for the country.
WHAT: Rally hosted by friends and family of Gov. Buddy Roemer. Families are welcome to attend. THE EVENT IS OPEN PRESS
WHERE: Bossier Civic Club 620 Benton Road Bossier City, LA
WHEN: 4 p.m. - 6 p.m. (Gov. Roemer will address the crowd at 5 p.m.)
About Governor Buddy Roemer:
Governor Roemer served four terms in the United States Congress from 1981 –1988 as a conservative Democrat who often broke ranks with his party to vote with President Reagan, and was Louisiana Governor from 1988-1992 as both a Democrat and Republican. During his tenure in the Governor's office, unemployment in the state dropped by approximately half, the state budget was balanced all years despite inheriting a huge deficit, teacher pay was linked to performance, education accountability standards were enacted, government unions were challenged, and sweeping campaign finance reform legislation was passed.