Mike Huckabee Statement On Latest Gingrich for President Ad
Updated, Saturday 5:20PM:
"The Gingrich campaign has said it would continue to use material from a 2007 primary spot that never was used either online or in broadcast. It was determined then that use of the spot would not contribute toward a positive primary nor help in the battle against a general election opponent so it was never used and only screened one time for reporters. The spot in question is being used without approval or authorization and with disregard for copyright. The bootlegged spot was never released by my campaign in 2007. I have repeatedly stated I am not endorsing a candidate. I asked the Romney campaign several weeks ago to pull a spot that used direct material from my daily radio commentary, which they promptly did. The Gingrich campaign has stated they will not withdraw the use of this material in spite of our request. I will let voters draw their own conclusions."
Previous statement:
Any use of an out of context quote from the Republican Presidential primary 4 years ago in a political ad to advocate for the election or defeat of another candidate is not authorized, approved, or known in advance by me. I have made it clear that I have not and do not anticipate making an endorsement in the GOP primary, but will support the nominee. My hope is to defeat Barack Obama and win majorities in both the House and Senate, not to attack any of the Presidential candidates who might be our nominee.e.