GOP Survey: 79% Give High Marks to Iowa caucuses
DES MOINES, Iowa– A new non-scientific survey shows seventy-nine percent of Republicans rate the accuracy of the presidential vote tabulation process used at the 2012 Iowa caucus as excellent or good.
That accuracy question received the highest rating in the survey of Republicans who attended the Iowa caucuses.
The survey of 669 Republicans by the Iowa Caucus Review Committee was conducted Monday, May 7 through Sunday, May 13. Of those who responded, 250 also offered ideas and suggestions on how to improve the caucuses.
The information will be used by the committee which is developing recommendations to improve the Iowa caucuses. The next meeting of the committee is 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 30th at Kirkwood Community College in Cedar Rapids.
On the other hand, 68% gave a poor or fair rating to the release by the Republican Party of Iowa of caucus vote results to the media and public.
Seventy-one percent said their overall view of the Iowa caucuses was excellent or good.
Sixty-two percent of those who received caucus training said it was excellent or good. However, 43% indicated they received no training.
“This is very useful information for the committee,” said Bill Schickel, committee chairman. “It tells us what we are doing right and gives us guidance in the areas that we need to improve.”
The survey was conducted by email utilizing Survey Monkey software.
Those surveyed were asked to give a rating of excellent, good, fair or poor to the following questions:
1) What is your overall view of the 2012 Iowa caucuses?
2) How would you rate the accuracy of the presidential vote tabulation process used at your caucus?
3) How would you rate the release, by the Republican Party of Iowa, of caucus vote results to the media and public?
4) If you were a leader, how would you rate the caucus training that you received?