Michele Bachmann Endorses Mitt Romney for President of the United States
Woodbury, Minn - Today, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann issued the following statement on her endorsement of Mitt Romney for President of the United States:
"This November, Americans will be at the polls with a serious choice- they can vote for more of Barack Obama's transformation of America, with more joblessness, higher energy prices, fewer opportunities for our children, more government controls, bailouts, and failed economic policies, or theycan vote for a new vision of prosperity and liberty. I'm honored to announce that today, I am endorsing Governor Mitt Romney for President of the United States, a man who will preserve the American dream of prosperity and liberty.
"We've had a hard fought battle already to choose a candidate. Being personally involved in the endorsement process was an honor for me. And I want to thank everyone involved in the campaigns, from the candidates, the delegates, the volunteers, all of us can be proud of our efforts.
"This is the last chance we have to keep America from going "forward", over the cliff, as Governor Romney said, and restore the values of prosperity and freedom. This isthe opportunity for conservatives, independents, and disaffected Democrats to join me and Governor Romney in denying Obama a second term. On November 6th, the only option is Mitt Romney for President."