Gov. Huckabee & Huck PAC Endorse Scott Walker for Gov. of Wisconsin
Huckabee Releases Statement about Walker's Special Election Bid in Wisconsin
Little Rock, AR - Governor Mike Huckabee issued the following statement about Scott Walker:
Huck PAC and I are proud to stand with Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin in his bid to win the special election in Wisconsin.
Scott decided at an early age, inspired by Ronald Reagan, that he would devote his life to public service. He has done so with honor and integrity. Governor Walker began his political career in 1993 winning election to the Wisconsin State Assembly. He has continued to serve the people of Wisconsin culminating in his election as Governor in November of 2010.
Scott Walker is a fiscal and social conservative. He has worked hard as Governor to get Wisconsin back on sound financial footing and Wisconsin has added over 35,000 jobs since he took office. He is 100% pro-life and believes that life should be protected from conception to natural death.
I hope you will join the Huck PAC family and me in supporting Governor Scott Walker in the special election for Wisconsin Governor.