Amy Klobuchar To Headline Iowa Democrats’ 2010 State Convention
Minnesota’s Senior Senator, Amy Klobuchar, will be the keynote speaker at the Iowa Democratic Party’s 2010 State Convention. She will join other Democratic elected officials and candidates including Senator Tom Harkin and Governor Chet Culver at the Convention.
“I was honored that Iowans would invite one of their neighbors from the north to speak at this year’s Convention. I look forward to joining Senator Harkin and others in Des Moines,” said Senator Amy Klobuchar.
“Senator Klobuchar will find a warm reception among Iowa Democrats, and we are very pleased that she will speak at our State Convention,” said Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Michael Kiernan.
Senator Klobuchar was elected in 2006, as the first woman elected to the United States Senate from Minnesota. Before running for Senate, she was a county prosecutor for eight years. She sits on the committees for the Judiciary, Agriculture, Environment and Public Works, as well as Commerce.
“Our State Convention marks the end of our caucus-to-convention process, but the beginning of a busy election-year. Iowa Democrats are united, and we are ready to fight to maintain our victories won over the last four years.”
This year’s State Convention will be held on Saturday, June 12 at Polk County Convention Complex. Other speakers will include Senator Tom Harkin, Governor Chet Culver and other Democratic elected officials and candidates.
Convention delegates were elected at the County Conventions held earlier this year on March 13 and March 20.