Washington, DC – DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz released the following statement tonight on the final presidential debate in Boca Raton, Florida:
“Tonight, the American people saw their Commander-in-Chief in President Barack Obama, and it’s more than clear that Mitt Romney is not ready to step into that role. The President didn’t just win; he dominated tonight’s debate because he was strong, clear and steady – while outlining a real vision to make our nation safer and maintain America’s leadership in the world.
“Mitt Romney, on the other hand, was incredibly unclear, uncertain and unsteady. He endorsed President Obama’s foreign policy leadership so frequently that it looked like he was auditioning to be the President’s Secretary of State. But that doesn’t change the facts – Mitt Romney was wrong on Iraq, Afghanistan, bin Laden, al Qaeda, Syria, Russia and defense spending. Tonight’s 90 minutes simply cannot undo six years of being wrong on every major foreign policy issue. At each and every turn – including several times tonight – Romney has failed the Commander-in-Chief test.
“The President said it best tonight: Mitt Romney would take us back to the foreign policy of the 1980s, the social policy of the 1950s, and the economic policy of the 1920s. Meanwhile, President Obama’s policies would keep building on the progress of the last four years – standing strong with our allies, maintaining our unbreakable alliance with partners like Israel, honoring our country’s veterans, doing critical nation building here at home, and moving America forward, not back.”