RNC Statement on the State of the Union Address
WASHINGTON – Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Reince Priebus issued the following statement responding to President Obama’s State of the Union address.
“As the last election made clear, Americans want a less intrusive government that spends their money responsibly, yet tonight President Obama gave another speech calling for more taxes and more spending. Americans who listened to President Obama likely feel President Obama isn’t listening to them.
“Instead of working with Republicans on bipartisan initiatives that are popular with the American people, he’s taking the same old go-it-alone approach on policy that has defined his presidency. The way to grow the economy for the middle class is to have a simpler tax code to encourage innovation. Sending more money to Washington isn’t the answer. We should let families and states make decisions that are right for them. The tax code should be made simpler, fairer, and flatter. That’s good for economic growth and job creation. Tax reform could and should be a bipartisan pursuit, but again, the president has signaled he only wants to do it his way.
"The Democrats’ top-down, one-size-fits-all approach just doesn’t work. President Obama should take up real bipartisan proposals that are already on the table—like building the Keystone Pipeline and restoring the 40-hour work week that ObamaCare destroyed. Of course, the president wants to tell Americans that we shouldn’t worry about the economy, but the truth is we still have the lowest labor force participation rate since the Carter years. More needs to be done to get more Americans into the workforce—and to create more opportunities for those already in the workforce. Republicans hope the president will join us in pursuing that goal."