Statement Regarding the Paris Attack by Jim Gilmore:
"Paris is presently under a major terrorist attack. Reports are coming in of many deaths, and even a major hostage situation. This follows last year’s terrible attack on the French newspaper "Charlie Hebdo". Major explosions occurred in Beirut, Lebanon yesterday.
No country will lead on its own without the U.S. showing the way.
Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Susan Rice and their sycophants do not understand and will never understand this enemy. The civilized world is at war with radical Islam and it will only end with their defeat -- or ours. There is no middle ground to be had. Trying to make them like us is not an acceptable strategy, or a winning one. Like any tyrant, this enemy does not respect or fear weakness and we have given them more than enough of that these last 7 years. This will only end when we exact justice on this enemy. And by justice, I mean kill them. They will not wait to kill us.
We are in a major international guerrilla war, and more attacks are coming. The Western order of democracy and liberty is under assault, and must be defended.
Weakness breeds attacks. President Obama has followed a "pull back"
policy for years. We cannot run from the savage assaults of these barbarians. Americans must be prepared to stand strong, and to stand by our allies in the conflict ahead"