Delaney Talks Jobs in New Iowa Campaign Ad
Campaign plans to be on the air for four weeks in Iowa
WASHINGTON – Congressman John K. Delaney’s third campaign spot will air in Iowa tomorrow. The ad titled “Jobs” highlights Delaney’s success as an entrepreneur who created thousands of jobs. Delaney founded and led two-publicly traded companies and is the only former CEO of a publicly-traded company in the House of Representatives. Delaney is a past winner of Ernst & Young’s Entrepreneur of the Year Award and his business received the Bank Enterprise Award from the Obama Administration for investing in economically distressed communities.
Earlier this week, Delaney aired two ads “Dirty Word” and “Early” in the Des Moines and Cedar Rapids markets. These ads are part of a million-dollar, month-long Iowa television buy from the Delaney campaign, that began on Super Bowl Sunday. Delaney made his sixth campaign trip to Iowa last weekend and has campaigned in 33 counties in Iowa to date. Delaney was named one of the World’s Greatest Leaders by Fortune Magazine in 2017.
The ad’s script:
John Delaney:
There are six million people looking for jobs
Voice over:
Maybe the reason John Delaney likes to talk about jobs so much,
is because he’s created so many of them.
After his father’s labor union scrounged up the money to send John to college,
he built companies dedicated to financing small businesses the big banks ignored…
which helped create jobs.
Thousands and thousands of them.
Hey, if you’re going to run for the biggest job in America,
it helps if you’ve actually created some.