Mike Gravel Launches Losing 2020 Presidential Campaign
88-Year-Old Senator to Highlight Progressive Issues on Debate Stage
San Francisco, CA: Former Alaskan Senator Mike Gravel announces that he is officially launching his campaign on Monday. The outspoken and progressive octogenarian has paired with two New York students to launch a grassroots campaign that will allow the Senator to put America’s imperialist foreign policy on trial at the Democratic debates.
"I'm excited to run for president in order to qualify for the Democratic debates. My message, centered around an anti-imperialist foreign policy and fundamental political reform, is one that no other Democratic candidate is making the centerpiece of their campaign. After the first two debates, I will drop out and endorse the most progressive candidate,” Sen. Gravel said.
Gravel is going to make it to the debates, but in order to qualify, he needs 65,000 individual donations from people in 20 states across the country. Instead of seeking to hold office, the campaign will force the Democratic establishment to participate in a difficult and necessary conversation about the nation’s ceaseless warmongering, whether it’s the war on terror, the war on drugs, or the war on immigrants.
The official campaign launch ad can be viewed at:
The campaign has generated excitement around a no-nonsense, relentless social media storm, challenging other candidates on their progressive bona fides and raising questions about their dedication to take on healthcare companies, AIPAC, the military-industrial complex, and the powerful American oligarchy.
More than 5,000 individual donors have already contributed to Mike Gravel’s campaign to make it to the debates. Popular donation amounts are $1 and $4.20, with an average donation hovering around $3. All campaign funds that are not spent getting Gravel on stage will be donated to organizations that will help Flint, Michigan get clean water, and to other charities.