Mike Gravel Campaign Airs First Nationwide Ad on Second Night of June DNC Debate
MIAMI, FLORIDA -- Tonight, the Gravel campaign will be airing its first national ad buy on MSNBC and NBC’s digital platforms and streaming partners. The thirty-five seconds ad highlights Sen. Gravel’s “greatest hits” from his 2008 debate appearances, and calls on viewers to help put the senator back on the debate stage.
In the spot, Gravel calls out the American war machine and the racist “War on Drugs”, and speaks with horrifying prescience on the impending climate catastrophe and the humanitarian crisis at the Southern border. Although the ad recalls his remarks in debates eleven years ago, his answers are more relevant than ever, and much more incisive than what most of his competitors dare to say on similar subject matters.
“I’m ashamed as an American to be building a fence on our southern border,” Gravel says in the ad, with an answer putting him ahead morally of other 2008 and 2020 candidates, “that’s not the American that I fought for.”
While the debate airs and streams nationwide, the Gravel campaign will be live tweeting responses from the candidate and campaign-runners, as well as releasing videos and graphics to supplement the campaign’s position on vital issues.