Tim Ryan Campaign Statement on DNC Debate Threshold
Youngstown, OH – Michael Morley, Senior Campaign Advisor to Tim Ryan for America, issued the following statement in regards to the DNC's release of candidates moving forward to the third debate:
"After participating in two DNC debates with the opportunity to speak for roughly 19 minutes, our campaign realizes that there are more constructive ways for us to connect to voters than a mad dash to spend $50 to get a $1 contribution. While these national platforms are helpful, our campaign is focused on the old school tactics like taking our message directly to the voters and caucus-goers in the communities of the early states. We have growing enthusiasm for Tim's platform of being a strong advocate for the working class and bridging the opportunity and racial divides in our country. These meaningful conversations are paying off with significant endorsements in New Hampshire and South Carolina. We will continue to build momentum by having these real discussions with the American people directly.”