Beto O’Rourke Returns to Iowa on October 23-25, 2019 *Updated
DES MOINES, IA — Following last week’s bold debate performance, Beto O’Rourke will return to the Hawkeye State on Wednesday, October 23rd, hosting a Cornell College Town Hall. On Thursday, October 24th, Beto will attend a roundtable discussion on the opioids crisis at the Iowa Harm and Reduction Coalition office in Cedar Rapids, followed by a Presidential Town Hall hosted by the League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) of Iowa in Des Moines. On Friday, October 25th, Beto will speak to an assembly at North High School in Des Moines. This is Beto’s first visit back to the state following a standout performance at the Polk Democrats Steak Fry, where he received a standing ovation.
Cornell College Town Hall
Orange Carpet-Thomas Commons Building, Cornell College
600 1st St, Mt Vernon, IA
5:15 PM CT
Roundtable at Iowa Harm Reduction Coalition Office
Iowa Harm Reduction Coalition Office
1216 2nd Ave SE, Cedar Rapids, IA
9:30 AM CT
**NOTE: Event is not open to the public**
LULAC Presidential Forum
Iowa Events Center
730 3rd St, Des Moines, IA
8:00 PM CT — Beto speaking time
North High School Assembly
Library, North High School
501 Holcomb Ave, Des Moines, IA
8:30 AM CT
**Event only open to North HS students and faculty**