Liberty & Justice Celebration Pre-Rally with Beto O'Rourke on Friday, November 1, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa
I am traveling to towns and cities across America to introduce myself and hear from people like you about the ways we can move this country forward. Please join me for a pre-rally near you by adding your RSVP on this page.
Estoy viajando a los pueblos y ciudades a través de los Estados Unidos para escuchar a la gente de nuestras diversas comunidades y charlar sobre el futuro que queremos para nuestro país. Por favor acompáñame a un evento emocionante cerca de usted y reserve su lugar en esta página web.
Friday, November 1, 2019
Beto for America Liberty and Justice Celebration Pre-Rally
Rotary Riverwalk Park, 821 W River Dr, Des Moines, IA 50309
5:15 PM CT
Iowa Democratic Party’s Liberty and Justice Celebration
Wells Fargo Arena, 233 Center St, Des Moines, IA 50309
Beto’s Speaking Time: 9:14 PM CT
Event Details:
Join Beto for a pre-event and the Iowa Democratic Party’s Liberty and Justice Celebration on November 1st! Sign up here to receive a ticket and our team will follow up with additional details. The pre-event rally will start at 4PM, and we’ll head into the venue after.
The Pre-rally will take place next to the Wells Fargo Arena at the Rotary Riverwalk Park.
This is a TICKETED EVENT. Tickets will be distributed from our pre-rally at Rotary Riverwalk Park until 6:45 PM. It will not be possible to enter the event after 7:30 -- just like Election Day, please have your ticket by 6:45PM and be in line!