Pete for America Releases New Statewide Television and Digital Ad In Iowa on Medicare for All Who Want It
DES MOINES, IA — Today, Pete for America announced a television ad buy focused on Mayor Pete Buttigieg's signature Medicare for All Who Want It proposal. The new 30-second spot “Refreshing,” will run statewide on television and digital.
The ad highlights Iowans’ support for Pete’s Medicare for All Who Want It plan, which combats the rising cost of health care while providing Americans with the freedom to choose the best health care plan for themselves and their families.
Read the ad’s full transcript below:
I’m Pete Buttigieg and I approve this message.
Paxton, Iowa Democrat: Pete’s approach is refreshing to me because he’s thoughtful and shows he’s listening, he’s paying attention.
Michelle, Iowa Democrat: Medicare for all that want it is very important. We have to have people have the choice to keep their private health insurance or to go on the Medicare plan.
Paxton: Pete’s plan for Medicare for All Who Want It gives people that choice.
Beth, Iowa Democrat: He seems sensible. Not going to promise something that he cannot deliver.
Michelle: He is interested in unifying people and the country needs that.