What People Are Saying About Pete Buttigieg’s Liberty and Justice Celebration Speech
“Quite A Speech … Set Quite A High Bar For The Speakers To Follow … Buttigieg Wraps, Just About Everyone Is On Their Feet, Even Those In Other Cheering Sections … This [Speech] May Be Remembered For A Good While … Amazing Speech … Buttigieg Has The Largest Backing Here … Biggest Group of Supporters Here Appears to Be Buttigieg … Enthused Crowd … Big Cheers … Huge Ovation … The Energy. Quite Something”
Pete Buttigieg Received Huge Cheers at the LJ & a Pre-Event Rally with 2,300 People
Henry J. Gomez @HenryJGomez: Buttigieg wraps, just about everyone is on their feet, even those in other cheering sections. But he was first, so will be interesting to see if this is a politeness everyone gets tonight or something more meaningful.
Karen Tumulty @ktumulty: .@PeteButtigieg, opening speaker at the Iowa Dem dinner, has given quite a speech. has set quite a high bar for the speakers to follow. here comes @joebiden. he's running -- literally running -- onto the stage.
Jennifer Palmieri @jmpalmieri: Friends, @PeteButtigieg speech was excellent.
Jeff Zeleny @jeffzeleny: The significance of a speech can be hard to measure in the moment, but this @PeteButtigieg one may be remembered for a good while: "The purpose of the presidency is not the glorification of the president, but the unification of the American people."
Henry J. Gomez @HenryJGomez: Pete Buttigieg is the first presidential candidate to address the LJ dinner. Big cheers and even bigger expectations that he's going to deliver a big speech tonight.
Mike Memoli @mikememoli: Mayor @PeteButtigieg arrives, and his big supporter section goes nuts. He opens by saying he came here in ‘08 when stakes were high. This time the stakes are “enormous.”
Paige Godden @PaigeGodden: Mayor @PeteButtigieg takes the stage at #LJ19 & his fans light the place up.
Robert Wolf @robertwolf What an amazing speech by @PeteButtigieg but this line - wow- what a contrast to the guy in the White House today "The purpose of the presidency is not the glorification of the president, it is the unification of the American people." #LJ19 #Iowa
Eliza Collins @elizacollins1: Buttigieg, the first candidate speaker, has a massive cheering section -- at least 1/4 of the stadium is in bright yellow with flashing lights.
Ben Riley-Smith @benrileysmith: Pete Buttigieg enters. The energy. Quite something.
Alex Wagner @alexwagner: The whole thing of the modern #LJ19 dinner is that this is where Obama "became Obama." Watching Buttigieg on stage right now, it is *very* clear that he has watched a lot of that Obama game tape. He is also delivering in a big way tonight.
Zach Walls @ZachWalls: Solid speech from Mayor Pete tonight. He's going to be a player in national politics for a long, long time.
Blog for Iowa @BlogforIowa: Huge ovation for Pete Buttigieg #LJ19
Iowa Starting Line @IAStartingLine: .@PeteButtigieg got a standing ovation from many on the floor when he spoke of going from being a gay man afraid he couldn’t serve to being an out mayor that was asking for their vote for president #LJ19
Priscilla Thompson @PriscillaWT: The Iowa Democratic Party’s Liberty and Justice Dinner is officially underway here at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines. A quick look at the stands reveal Buttigieg and Warren appear to have the strongest showing of support here by sheer numbers thus far. #LJ19
Iowa Starting Line @IAStartingLine: .@PeteButtigieg leading a blocks-long march of supporters into #LJ19
Dan Merica @merica: Pete Buttigieg makes his way to Wells Fargo Arena followed by multiple blocks of supporters.
Bill Ruthhart @BillRuthhart: The Iowa fall Democratic fundraising dinner, now known as Liberty & Justice Celebration, is a crucial moment in Iowa for candidates to show campaign organization. On pure crowd size alone, Pete Buttigieg has the largest backing here, which comes as he surges in the Iowa polls.
Zach Wahls @ZachWahls: Greetings from the Liberty & Justice Dinner in Des Moines. Biggest group of supporters here appears to be Buttigieg, Warren close behind and Harris in third.
Melanie Mason @melmason: Lots of campaign visibility here in the arena for the LJ dinner but @petebuttigieg and @Corybooker camps have the edge when the lights are dark
Barbara Rodriguez @bcrodriguez: An updated aerial shot of @PeteButtigieg pre-rally. Still cold and rainy, but looks like an enthused crowd. #iacaucus