Dubuque, Iowa State Rep Chuck Isenhart Endorses Tom Steyer
(Des Moines, IA, Feb. 1) Presidential Candidate Tom Steyer has been endorsed by Dubuque State Rep Chuck Isenhart. To a large crowd in Dubuque, Representative Isenhart shared the following statement:
“Tom Steyer has been steadfast for many years in his recognition of climate disruption as the pivotal challenge that binds together most of the other issues facing our country and the world. His command of the facts during debates has been superb.
“Tom emphasizes that we will never change the politics of Washington, D.C. (or the states, for that matter) until we change how money and corporate influence determine the agenda and, in many cases, the outcomes of public policy-making-- in both the legislative and executive branches. In the meantime, because of his own resources and connections to like-minded individuals of means, he will not have to make unholy promises to deep-pocketed special interests to finance his own campaign.
“Tom has identified, as a part of his primary campaign, the principal issue he will use to confront the president in the general election, and he will be able to seize the advantage with the strength of his business experience: the economy. It’s where all the roads meet. We were reminded of that in the last election.
“Tom has been leading political campaigns for many years to generate grassroots engagement in critical public matters. That is a vital part of my own Campaign for the Common Good. Government is a participant sport, not a spectator sport. We have known for a long time that Americans want “new blood” for leadership-- someone who respects and trusts in people and will come to us when he or she needs our help. We aren’t afraid to elect people to the highest office in the land who have never held elected office before. Unlike the person we have endured for the past three years, I am convinced that Tom Steyer would work for us, not for himself.”