Joe Walsh Suspends Candidacy for President
Trust me, we’re just getting started.
Running for President is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Today I announced I’m suspending my candidacy.
The reason is simple: The Republican Party is a cult. No one, no matter his or her profile, can defeat Donald Trump in a Republican Primary.
This was confirmed for me firsthand last week in Iowa when I was booed off the stage by primary voters when I said we should expect decency and honesty from our President.
This is not my party.
Here’s what I do know: we’re just getting started. It’s incumbent on us as a country — and as citizens — to reject the current direction of the Republican Party and work to elect Democrats who are closest to our values.
This may not be comfortable. It may not be our most natural environment. But it is our only chance at taking our party back. It is our only chance at taking our country back.
So, please, add your name. Join this movement. The future of our country depends on us.
We’re just getting started.