California Congressman Brad Sherman Endorses Joe Biden For President
Today, California Congressman Brad Sherman released the following statement endorsing Joe Biden for President of the United States:
“Serving in Congress has given me a front row seat to Joe Biden’s ability to bring about real and tangible solutions for working families across the country. I saw up close how he helped make the goals of the Obama-Biden administration a reality. Things like the Affordable Care Act, the Recovery and Reinvestment, and the Paris Climate Accords. His experience sets him apart and I know on day one Joe will immediately get to work to improve the lives of working families and restore our standing on the international stage. His leadership and wisdom will unite and heal this country.
“Having served over 23 years on the Foreign Affairs Committee, I know that Joe Biden will have Israel’s back. He will work tirelessly for a safe and secure Israel, living in peace with its Palestinian neighbors. I’m proud to endorse Joe Biden for President.”
Sherman has served in the U.S. House of Representatives since 1997 and serves on the Committee on Financial Services, the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and Committee on Science, Space and Technology.
Sherman’s endorsement builds on the wide support for Joe Biden in California, which includes prominent leaders like Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Long Beach Mayor Robert Garcia, Los Angeles County Supervisor and former Secretary of Labor Hilda Solis, Senator Dianne Feinstein, Congresswoman Lucille Roybal-Allard, Congressman Tony Cárdenas, Congressman Ami Bera, Congressman John Garamendi, Congressman Lou Correa, Congressman Jerry McNerney, Congressman Harley Rouda, Congresswoman Jackie Speier and countless others.
Biden for President has previously announced more than 2,100 endorsements from national, state, and local leaders, including current and former U.S. senators and representatives, governors, state elected officials, community leaders, and national security professionals.