The Boston Herald, The Lowell Sun and Sentinel & Enterprise, and The Springfield Republican Endorse Bloomberg Ahead of Tomorrow’s Democratic Primary
NEW YORK — Ahead of tomorrow’s Democratic primary in Massachusetts, The Boston Herald, The Lowell Sun and Sentinel & Enterprise, and The Springfield Republican have all endorsed Mike Bloomberg for president. All three newspapers cited Mike’s record of taking on tough fights on critical issues and delivering results.
“It’s clear that in this race, there’s only one candidate with a record of winning tough fights and bringing people together, and that candidate is Mike Bloomberg,” said Dan Kanninen, Bloomberg 2020 States Director. “In the remaining hours until polls open on Primary Day in Super Tuesday states around the country, our supporters, volunteers, and organizers are connecting with voters as we continue to build on our momentum in Massachusetts and beyond.”
With 58 staff members and six field offices across Massachusetts, Mike Bloomberg has built an organization that is uniquely positioned to reach voters no matter where they are.
In Super Tuesday states, the Mike Bloomberg 2020 campaign has an organization that is unmatched. Since January 1, 2020, the campaign has had 10 million voter conversations, and hundreds of thousands of people have taken action with the campaign.
The campaign has 2,000+ staff on the ground across the country, with an additional 400 at its New York City headquarters. To date, the campaign has opened more than 200 offices around the country, including more than 100 across Super Tuesday states.
In its endorsement, The Boston Herald said:
He gets it — he’s a businessman, and his private-sector experience as founder and CEO of Bloomberg LP informs his leadership.
Bernie Sanders, now leading the Democratic field, stands little chance against Donald Trump, as a socialist entirely out of touch with the mainstream and spirit of this country. Elizabeth Warren has proven to be a deeply flawed and failing candidate, as has Joe Biden. Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar, while they have had their moments, lack the depth and breadth of Bloomberg’s experience.
He’s offering sound solutions and grounded responses to issues facing the country such as health care funding, climate change and economic progress.
For Super Tuesday, the Herald endorses Michael Bloomberg in the Democratic presidential primary.
In its endorsement, The Lowell Sun and Sentinel & Enterprise said:
Mike Bloomberg is many things. He is a billionaire businessman. He is an activist for progressive causes and a renowned philanthropist. He was a competent, technocratic mayor in the largest city in the country, providing focus and vision for New York City for over 12 years, beginning in the immediate aftermath of 9/11.
Bloomberg may not have laid his competition to waste during the debates but he was an alpha dog as mayor and certainly in business. Debate stagecraft is nice but it is not everything, and when facing President Trump, traditional rules of debating are out the window. Bloomberg’s accomplishments give him the ability to confront Trump in a asymmetrical fashion, the best approach in a tête-a-tête confrontation.
Bloomberg is wealthy enough to execute his candidacy in diverse ways, on every platform imaginable, saturating the voting public with this message:
“I am a doer and a problem solver — not a talker. I’ll put my record of accomplishment up against anyone. I’m ready to take on Donald Trump — and win.”
Simple enough.
None of his rivals could stake the claim that they are as accomplished as he or, more importantly, that they could defeat Trump.
In its endorsement, The Springfield Republican said:
Though the Democratic Party desperately needs to nominate a candidate who can defeat President Donald Trump in November, it doesn’t follow that the party should turn to someone making promises that can never be kept, offering solutions that are purely fantastical.
Democrats need to nominate a realist. And a uniter, someone to bring together both the party and the nation. They need a candidate who can win in states where winning matters, in the all-important Electoral College – Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin. They need to nominate a candidate who can expect to get votes from liberals and moderates and even from some Republicans who have tired of the nonsense that has been the Trump presidency. Democrats also need to nominate someone who won’t frighten normal people with talk of revolution.
Mike Bloomberg is the candidate best positioned to do all of that, and more.
The former mayor of New York City is a pragmatist who gets results. He’s been wildly successful in business and in politics, has demonstrated an uncanny ability, in both arenas, to assemble successful teams, to find real-world solutions to actual problems. He’s also got the resources, from his own personal fortune, to be in the race for the long haul.