Biden for President Announces New Arizona Staff Hires
Biden for President announced today its latest staff hires in Arizona, building on its momentum in the state. The news of additional hires comes on the heels of last week’s announcement that Biden for President will invest $280 million in digital and television ads in 15 key states, including Arizona.
Cymone Bolding, Coalitions Director
Cymone is the Co-Executive Director of Arizona Coalition for Change and Our Voice Our Vote Arizona. After spending years working outside government, she served as Chief of Staff to a Phoenix City Councilmember. She serves on boards for Local First Arizona and SOUNDS Academy.
Teresa Acuña, Deputy Coalitions Director
Teresa most recently served as the Associate Director of the Democratic Governance Program at Harvard University’s Ash Center. Previously, she was the Director of Policy and Leadership Programs at the National Hispanic Leadership Agenda. She served as Legislative Director for Rep. Gloria Negrete McLeod.
Larry Sándigo, Latino Vote Director
Larry joins the Biden for President campaign from the office of Rep. Greg Stanton where he serves as Director of Outreach, Policy Advisor and Counsel. Previously, he was a managing attorney at the Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project, where he represented children seeking asylum and safety in the United States.
Michael Ramirez, Digital Organizing Director
Michael most recently worked on the Bernie Sanders 2020 Presidential campaign in Arizona as Field Director, and before that as the Deputy Field Director during the Nevada Caucuses. During the 2018 midterms, Michael served as Campaign Manager for Colorado State Senator Julie Gonzales. During the 2016 Presidential cycle, he was a National Latino Outreach Strategist for the Sanders 2016 team.
Nicole Pasteur, Press Secretary
Nicole joins the Biden for President campaign from the office of Rep. Greg Stanton, where she serves as Communications Director and Policy Advisor. She previously served as a Senior Policy Advisor to then-Mayor Greg Stanton and Mayor Thelda Williams.
Fernando Quiroz, Deputy Political Director
Fernando “Fernie” Quiroz is the Chairman of Arizona Interagency Farmworkers Coalition, a non-profit organization dedicated in providing services to immigrants. He spent much of his career in community service organizations and organizing citizenship forums and classes for farm working families. He has been recognized as one of the "Most Influential Hispanic Award Honorees" for Leadership and Community Involvement.