REVIEWS ARE IN: Biden Topples Trump in First Presidential Debate
Americans saw only one leader on stage tonight -- and one liar.
During this moment of national crisis, the American people have been crying out for real leadership. Tonight, Joe Biden showed them that there’s a path out of the darkness. While Trump offered nothing but interruptions and lies, Biden took the opportunity to lay out his plans to move this country out of the COVID crisis that Trump has let spin out of control. Biden spoke directly to the American people about the issues keeping them up at night: the empty chairs at kitchen tables from loved ones lost to COVID-19, and families struggling to get by because of jobs moved overseas under Trump’s watch.
Trump was desperate, weak, and angry. He’s losing the race, and tonight, he lost his temper. Once again, Trump had multiple chances to condemn white supremacy. And, once again, he refused. Trump came into the debate trailing in this race -- due to his failed leadership and because of his policies to reward the super wealthy and corporations over working families and small businesses -- and tonight, Biden left him in the dust.
Tonight was Donald Trump’s shot to provide a coherent argument to the American people for his reelection, and he blew it. No wonder Trump ended the night looking tired and angry, and Joe Biden went out smiling.
Voters overwhelmingly thought Trump lost the debate:
• CNN’s John Harwood: “CNN Instant Poll of debate-watchers on who won: 60% Biden 28% Trump”
• Washington Post’s Paul Farhi: “CBS News instant poll about who won debate: Biden 48 percent, Trump 41 percent.”
• Cook Political’s Jessica Taylor: “Words undecided voters in @FrankLuntz's focus group had for Trump: ‘arrogant’ ‘crackhead’ and ‘un-American’ Biden: ‘better than expected,’ ‘more professional,’ ‘restraint and compassion,’ ‘Predictable’ ‘coherent’ ‘leader’”
Republicans thought Trump lost the debate:
• Former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum: “I think the president overplayed his hand tonight… I don’t think it worked for him tonight. I think he came out way too hot.”
• Former Trump White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci: “Biden won. Trump lost. The massive gaps in polls will grow larger. A historic landslide draws nearer. Only remaining question is margin of victory. Will Texas turn blue?”
• Former Rep. Joe Walsh: “He interrupted EVERY Joe Biden answer. He refused to condemn white supremacists. He told a far right hate group to ‘Stand by.’ He viciously attacked Biden’s son. He was rude, indecent, immoral, unhinged, & cruel. It’s over. Donald Trump lost this election for good tonight.”
The media thinks Trump lost the debate:
• New York Times’s Farhad Manjoo: “Very good closing by Biden. He’s done well. Trump gains nothing. He lost.”
• Mother Jones’s Ben Dreyfuss: “Everyone on TV is being such a coward. “America lost” seems to be the consensus. Sure. America lost four years ago. But in the terms of this awful debate, Biden won. It was pretty obvious. And I am sure the polls will show that.”
• Jon Meacham: “No hyperbole: The incumbent’s behavior this evening is the lowest moment in the history of the presidency since Andrew Johnson’s racist state papers.”
• John Harwood: “Trump lost the debate”
• Harry Enten: “Folks, Joe Biden has never trailed in this race. Based upon these insta-polls, he will continue to lead this race. Every day Trump doesn't gain is a bad day for him. There is zippo sign he's gaining after this debate.”
Even Trump appeared to feel like he lost the debate:
• Washington Post’s Matt Viser: “‘This is the end of the debate,’ Chris Wallace says. And, fittingly, President Trump ends by yelling and grimacing while Joe Biden ends by silently smiling.”
• CBS News’s Bo Erickson: “Last split-screen image of Trump and Biden tonight:”