One Week Out, Biden for President Makes Closing Argument to Latino Voters, Launches Ads Across 11 States
Today, Biden for President launched five new ads airing across eleven states highlighting the enthusiasm and excitement across the Latino community for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The ads aim to mobilize voters ahead of Election Day and cover a series of issues important to Latinos and assert that a Joe Biden presidency will prioritize their concerns.
“Unidos con Biden,” United with Biden, is the closing anthem of the campaign featuring Gaby Moreno’s hit song Fronteras, and will run as a tv and digital ad in Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. Integrating user generated content, this heartfelt and uplifting ad features a variety of Latinos from across the U.S. sharing why they are excited to support Joe Biden and Kamala Harris with their vote. The ad will also run on digital in Michigan, Colorado and Texas.
“Yo, Biden” Me, Biden, is a TV ad with East and West versions airing in Arizona, Florida, Minnesota, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin. The ad highlights the many reasons why Latinos are supporting Joe Biden, including because he has the best plan to revive the economy, handle climate change, provide affordable healthcare for all and more. The two versions capture the diversity of Latinos and tailors messaging to both regions. The ad will also run on digital in Michigan, Colorado and Texas.
“Cancelado” Canceled, is a digital ad running in Arizona and Nevada. It showcases the Latino youth support for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The ad transitions through various early life milestones that have been cancelled due to the mishandling of the pandemic by Trump. In order to avoid further cancellations of life events, the clear choice for presidency is Biden-Harris who will fight to control COVID-19 and keep Latino families safe.
"Quienes Somos" Who We Are is a digital and radio ad in Colorado, Michigan, Minnesosta, North Carolina, Nevada, Virgina, Texas and Wisconsin emphasizes the vital contributions Latinos make to our nation; from food supply, to pandemic response and military service. It finishes with a mobilizing focus on their electoral power in this election.
"Ser Humano" Being Human is a bilingual digital ad airing in Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Minnesota, North Carolina, Nevada, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Texas and Wisconsin. The digital ad breaks down the definition of the Spanish phrase "ser humano" – meaning both human being and being human – in English as we see a selection of both Democratic and Republican US presidents displaying what's currently lacking in the White House: empathy, compassion, and humanity.