Vivek Ramaswamy Launches Paid Media Blitz in Iowa & New Hampshire
COLUMBUS, OH – Presidential candidate and political outsider Vivek Ramaswamy
announced a six-figure, two-week advertising blitz across Iowa and New Hampshire. The ad buy is part of a multi-million dollar ad campaign in the early states
over the next several months beginning today.
Ramaswamy’s first ad is called “Identity Crisis” and will begin airing statewide
immediately in both Iowa and New Hampshire on broadcast, cable television, radio
and digital platforms.
Watch “Identity Crisis” here.
The 30-second message highlights Vivek’s core campaign message and vision for
a national revival and fight for America’s identity.
“I am successful entrepreneur and I’m running for President of the United States.
We are in the middle of a national identity crisis,” Ramaswamy says in the ad.
“Faith, patriotism and hard work have disappeared. Wokeness, gender ideology
and the climate cult have taken their place. We spend so much time celebrating our
diversity that we forget the values that bind us together. I believe deep in my bones
those values still exist,” he said.
Ramaswamy will continue campaigning in Iowa and New Hampshire in the coming
weeks to share this vision with the voters.