Francis Suarez visits Iowa
MIAMI, FL – Presidential candidate Mayor Francis Suarez will be visiting Iowa on Friday July 28th, Saturday July 29th and Sunday July 30th. He will have three days full of activities that include speeches at Presidential Forums, visits to local businesses and attending mass at a local Catholic Church.
Friday, July 28th
Right to Start Presidential Candidate Forum
Sinclair Auditorium
1st Ave E,
Cedar Rapids, IA
10.00am local time
2023 Lincoln Dinner
Iowa Events Center
730 3rd St,
Des Moines, IA
7.30pm local time
Saturday, July 29th
Breakfast at Machine Shed Restaurant
11151Hickman Rd,
Urbandale, IA
9.30am local time
Visit Downtown Farmers Market
300 E Court Ave,
Des Moines, IA
10.45am local time
Sunday, July 30th
Attend Mass at St. Anthony Catholic Church
15 Indianola Rd,
Des Moines, IA
8.30am local time