What They Are Saying: “Ron DeSantis was winner of the first 2024 Republican debate — man best suited to unseat Trump”
New York Post: Ron DeSantis was winner of the first 2024 Republican debate — man best suited to unseat Trump
Lanhee Chen: “I think DeSantis’ camp can claim victory because he came out of this essentially I think as well position if not better position.”
Ari Fleischer: “Ron DeSantis had the strongest night of any of the candidates on stage."
Sean Hannity: “I thought Governor DeSantis came off well, and came off strong, and made his case.”
Howard Kurtz: “Ron DeSantis did the most to help his candidacy tonight. He was forceful and aggressive from the very beginning.”
Piers Morgan: DeSantis getting stronger as the debate goes on, especially when he bigs up his undeniably successful record in Florida. #Debate
Katie Pavlich: DeSantis vows again to use lethal force against cartels on the border. Excellent.
Rebecca Heinrichs: This is the issue where Ron DeSantis is the most enthusiastic, this is the issue that really enlivens him, and he gets passionate about. Going much further than previous president he wants to use military force against cartels. This really was a breakout moment.
Jason Rantz: “I think DeSantis had the best answer when it came to crime he had something specific that he could point to that he’s already done that explains how he would take charge as President.”
Rich Lowry: He got all his points in, came back constantly to his theme of reversing American decline, and received lots of applause. So, he had a good night when he needed one.