Biden-Harris 2024 Targets Arizona in New Ad Showing President Biden’s Agenda For Middle Class Families in Action
Today, Biden-Harris 2024 is announcing its first Arizona-specific ad focused on how the President’s economic agenda is bringing manufacturing and good-paying jobs to Arizona. The ad, launching on Labor Day, specifically highlights the effect the CHIPS Act has had in bringing American manufacturing jobs back from overseas and touts the semiconductor facilities under construction in the Phoenix area.
“Manufacturing Boom” stars Bill Ruiz, a Phoenix resident and second-generation carpenter, describing firsthand how President Biden’s economic agenda is bringing manufacturing and high-skilled job opportunities to his community. The ad will run in the Phoenix market and on national cable news.
“President Biden’s historic legislative agenda is bringing manufacturing and good jobs to communities across the country, including Phoenix,” said Julie Chavez Rodriguez, Biden-Harris 2024 Campaign Manager. “But don’t just take our word for it – Bill is a Phoenix local and a member of the carpenters’ union who is seeing firsthand jobs and manufacturing coming to his community. This ad is just the latest example of how our campaign will leverage trusted, local voices to talk about how the President and Vice President are delivering for the American people.”
This ad is a part of Team Biden-Harris’ 16-week, $25 million advertising campaign that will reach key voters in battleground states. “Manufacturing Boom” will run in the Phoenix, Arizona market and on national cable news.
Watch “Manufacturing Boom” HERE.